Looking back at SHIFT Conference 2013

Looks like we did it! Three small IT companies from Split Croatia have organised the biggest startup event in our

Looks like we did it! Three small IT companies from Split Croatia have organised the biggest startup event in our region – SHIFT Conference. Three days of total awesomeness, startup pitching, networking and partying resulted in 500+ very satisfied attendees, fresh business deals and potential fundings.

Our first year under “SHIFT Conference” name was a huge success, and we can not wait to start working on event for the next year!

SHIFT audience
SHIFT Conference – audience

30+ speakers had inspirational lectures for regional entrepreneurs, teling them how they did it and what are the key factors for global success. 30+ mentors talked to startups, shared their experienced feedback and gave them some fresh ideas and new perspective on scaling their businesses. All speakers did great on SHIFT Conference, but I would like to point few of my favorites.

Mike Butcher did a sharp speech about building silicon bridges instead of building new european silicon valleys. He said that SHIFT Conference is one of the silicon bridges that we have built here in Croatia!

Mike Butcher European Editor @ Techcrunch (GBR)
Mike Butcher

Ory Ayonmike, Hollywood producer and serial entrepreneur, bit unusual guy with bachelors degree in Political Science from UCLA who co-founded new L.A. based startup AppCurious, told his story about becoming tech entrepreneur. Ori and his partner Riz have produced their AppCurious mobile app in Croatia with Profico as developement and Unity as design contractors. He spoke about their battle with Apple and their policy against applications that promote other applications on AppStore, and how they have managed to place an developer’s appeal accepted by Apple.

Fireside chat with Ori Ayonmike about AppCurious
Fireside chat with Ori Ayonmike about AppCurious project

Bryan Calhoun, currently provides digital strategy and business development for the Blueprint Group, an artist management company representing Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, T.I., Lil Twist, Hit Boy and others. His fireside chat was a real hit on SHIFT Conference Day 2, talking about technology applications in music industry and interesting startups covering this field.

Brian Calhoun talking about startups in music industry
Brian Calhoun talking about startups in music industry

Elizabet Stark from Stanford has very noticed speech, talking about disrupts in world of education and Stanford’s StartX program.

Stanford, StartX
Elizabeth Stark from Stanford, StartX

The winner of $10.000 Grand Prize is startup project – Babywatch! This is hardware startup with system consisting of a pocket size ultrasound Doppler, and a mobile application which makes it possible for pregnant ladies to hear and visualize their little baby’s heartbeat. After three days of pitching jury decided that this project is wort of our $10K cash prize!

Grand Prize $10K winners - BabyWatch
Grand Prize $10K winners – BabyWatch

As I have mentioned, SHIFT Conference is not only about IT startups, it’s about having fun, good vibe and parties from dusk till dawn! Since we believe that mentioned good vibe and casual atmosfere is the key factor for good networking and strong bonding, we have prepared special party every night for all attendees. And absolute hit was VIP diner for speakers, mentors, sponsors and press in the heart of 1700 old Diocletian’s palace!

VIP dinner in the 1700 old Diocletian's palace
VIP dinner in the 1700 old Diocletian’s palace

I hope that we have succeeded in our mission to help local enterpenaurs to boost their motivation and open wides of global market.

This conference is really aiming to become strong silicone bridge that connects all IT companies in region with global knowledge and markets. So SHIFT your mind and go swim in global techno-pool!

And finally, we have to thank to those who helped make this happen. Special thanks to our sponsors VIPnet (general), Societe Generale Splitska Banka (grand prize sponsor) and Microsoft, our co-organization partners Technology transfer Office, BICRO and European Enterprise Networka (EEN).Also thanks for strong support to Split and Dalmatia tourist board, Croatian Economics Chamber, CISEx association, and City of Split, thanks to Jana, Becks, and Johnny Walker for quenching our thirst and thanks to NOKIA on their sponsorship packages. We hope that you are all very satisfied with the event and that you will follow us next year :)!

You can check our SHIFT Conference Flickr stream at:


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