Mobile Monday Split #MoMoST

For quite some time now, mobile developers in Split would gather around and organise mobile Monday event in Split, joining

For quite some time now, mobile developers in Split would gather around and organise mobile Monday event in Split, joining Split with hundreds of other mobile Monday towns in the world. We are proud to present that Profico is now in charge for #MoMoST organization!

Profico will give its best to make the events to follow even more interesting and fresh. Based on our own experience we will bring new hot development tools and practices along with sharing our business endeavors in the mobile applications development world.

The Mobile Monday event will be held on the first Monday of each month, starting with November 2013. As you will find out in another blog post, Profico is in close cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split which will provide us with the venue for the Mobile Monday Split events and also help with the marketing.

IMEF and DUMP, two student organizations here in Split are friends of the event, and will provide help with the marketing and logistics for the meet-ups.

Also, special thanks to Nikola Perić, Antonio Šerić and Toma Mlikota for their part in the MoMoST meetings so far, and in the future.

The first event, as mentioned above will be held on a Monday 🙂 04th of November 2013. at 18:00 at FESB , A102 hall If you plan to attend this meeting, please sign up on MeetUp to confirm your attendance. This will only take 1 minute, it is required to participate, and it gives us the ability to organize things better.

On the following Mobile Monday, @November 4th, Profico will hold two lectures:

18:00 Development of mobile applications, Ante Dagelić

Learn from our experience on how to organize things, manage the development and end up with the best product. What approach is one to take when assessing the scope of an mobile app? How long will it take? How many developers do you need? Which tools are good?

18:40 Mobile business in Silicon Valley Part #1, Mateo Perak

In this lecture Mateo will talk about first hand experiences when offering your services in the Silicon Valley. What are the costs, how to find your target market, what is your target market expecting from you, and many other questions will be answered!

After the lectures, you can find the speakers and other attendees at:

19:00 Rizzo sandwiches and networking at the nearby caffe

Networking is in the essence the most important part of such an event. Mobile developers can find mentorship, freelance projects, employment options, companies can find other companies, freelancers or developers for their projects, and everybody can learn from other peoples experiences. Also, Profico is buying a round of Rizzo sandwiches for all networking attendees 🙂

According to all statistical data, mobile apps market will explode in 2014. If you want to be part of this big wave of opportunities, attending Mobile Monday Split is the best step 🙂 All attendees are reminded to register on Meet-up in order to participate! Please do not forget this step!

In case you have a cool lecture in Mobile Development and would like to speak at Mobile Monday Split, please do not hesitate to contact us at , with a short description, or just give us a buzz and we can discuss it over a beer.

See you all at Monday 04. November @FESB, A102 hall!

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