Third Mobile Monday Split organized by Profico in cooperation with FESB

Seems like Split loves Mobile Monday. We are all very satisfied with the number of attendees of second MoMoST, in

Seems like Split loves Mobile Monday. We are all very satisfied with the number of attendees of second MoMoST, in rough numbers there were more than 100 people wanting to learn about mobile development! It is now time for the third event, with new interesting lectures and speakers.

In case that you have never heard of MoMoST, for quite some time now, mobile developers in Split would gather around and organize Mobile Monday event in Split, joining Split with hundreds of other Mobile Monday towns in the world. Profico will give its best to make the events to follow even more interesting and fresh.

Last time we had lectures in android development and about the WTFJeans project (see the announcement here), also Đuliano brought Google glass to the lectures, and everybody had a chance to try them out!

Me trying out Đulijanos Glass
Me trying out Đulijanos Glass during the networking part of MoMoST 2

The Mobile Monday event will be held on the first Monday of each month, starting with November 2013. Profico is in close cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split which will provide us with the venue for the Mobile Monday Split events and also help with the marketing.

Picture from MoMoST 2
Picture from MoMoST 2

Exceptionally this time, because of the holidays, Mobile Monday is held on the second Monday of January, 13.01. Location is the same, FESB – A102 hall at 18:00.

Be sure to sign up on MeetUp to confirm your attendance. Registration will take 1 min and it is necessary in order to participate.

On the following Mobile Monday, @January 13thwe have one lecture in plan:

Development case:

18:00 – 19:00 Indie app development: How to start with iOS development

Goran Leutar
This class will provide insight into application development for iPhone and iPad. Explained will be the whole process of creating an iPhone application starting by explaining the registration process on Apple sites, the needed skills and resources, the development tools, the app design and planning, the App release to the App store, and App marketing. The whole process will be explained by using examples from an actual app on the App store.

19:00 – networking at Caffe bar FESB

Also, be sure to get into our Facebook group!

Do not forget, be sure to sign up on MeetUp in order to confirm your attendance.

See you all at Monday 13. January @FESB, A102 hall!

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