We’ve moved into new office!

Check the story behind our new office. See how two of our graphic designers created kick-ass working space of (y)our dreams!

I can’t even describe how it feels writing this blog post while sitting in our brand new office. As I’m trying to figure out the writing concept for our blog post, I hear a quite loud laughter from inside the “leisure area”. I see my colleagues playing Nintendo Wii and being over-competitive on Mario Kart, some of them are sitting on the kitchen table and making fun out of each other while chatting and enjoying a cup of coffee.

Makes you wonder if someone’s actually working over here :P. Just kidding, they’re actually working and developing cool ideas with international partners, but they’re doing it in an office that feels like a cozy living space or your childhood room. This is exactly what management tried to achieve. “We wanted to create a working space that enhances productivity but in a friendly and funny way. Since we weren’t able to find adequate office space here in Split we decided to design it on our own.”

From pixels to furniture – designing the office UI/UX style

The whole process of designing the office is a story for itself. Jakov Šuran and Marina Matijaca, both UI/UX designers, designed the whole thing completely on their own. After all, who knows the needs of a working space better than the people that will spend the most time working in it. What is more, the entire design team got involved and started generating cool ideas and suggestions. It lasted for ages, but it was both enjoyable and fun at the same time.

“We were inspired by our American and Western European partners. Basically, the entire Silicon Valley is operating on the open working space conception. But the main challenge for me and Marina was to go ahead and try to design the complete working space. Since both of us are graphic designers it was really fun to exchange pixels for furniture” explains Jakov as he admires the great job he and Marina done.

A final word from Marina…

And as it usually goes, both in work and life, women have the last word, so I asked Marina to describe how it feels working in an office she’d designed. “We’re really happy that everything looks so nice, but that was the easier part. The biggest obstacle was to create a functional office for all of us working here. We’re proud of the fact that we went outside of our comfort zone and created a multifunctional office in which employees feel comfortable while working, attending meetings, hanging out or having a break”.

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